At 13 months old, Aaliyah was diagnosed with a spinal cord disease that limited her mobility. The use of a wheelchair allowed her greater mobility and less dependence on others. Unfortunately, Aaliyah’s wheelchair was stolen from her house in Ossining. Without her wheelchair, Aaliyah’s mobility was severely restricted, preventing her from attending school or spending time with friends. The president of the Foundation, Billy Santo, learned of Aaliyah’s plight when his secretary heard the story on the news and informed him. Billy immediately sprang into action, asking his secretary to contact the news station for information on how to reach the family. After making contact with the family, the foundation purchased a new wheelchair for Aaliyah that was both more secure and provided greater mobility than her previous one. Additionally, the Santo family presented Aaliyah with a number nine necklace, a number of great significance to both the Santo family and Aaliyah. Christian’s baseball number was 9, and Aaliyah’s birthday is on August 9th. This special connection is also symbolized in the guardian angel number 9, signifying that our ‘angel’ is always watching over us and guiding our path through life.